Trust - Compliance 'Quick Tips' Videos (3 of 7)

Trust is a valuable currency for compliance officers. The more individuals in your organization trust you, the more comfortable they’ll feel in coming to you with compliance violations or other compliance related matters. Some view compliance officers as obstacles in their way. But, if individuals trust you, then that all changes.

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Hi, I’m CJ Wolf, Healthicity’s Senior Compliance Executive and we’re talking about seven tips that every Compliance Officer should know. Tip number three is, trust is earned every day, and it’s earned one day at a time. So as a compliance officer you need to build relationships of trust with those that you’re working with, unfortunately compliance departments, sometimes legal departments, sometimes internal auditing departments are kind of seen within an organization as an obstacle. Though that is not really true, and I don’t believe it to be true, that can be the perception, and so you need to earn trust with those in the business that are kind of on the front lines. Maybe it’s a sales rep, maybe it’s a physician, maybe it’s a nurse, those folks who are providing the direct care, or the direct service that that organization is known for, and so earning that trust only happens one day at a time, and the quicker you can earn that trust, the better off your compliance program will be. I think back on some of the times as I was a compliance officer and some of the best information I received into my compliance program was from people I had good relationships with, they were not calling the hotline, they were coming to me directly because I had built a relationship of trust with them. They would stop me in the hallway or they would stop me after a meeting, and they felt comfortable enough to talk to me. So, earn that trust one day at a time.

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