Exploring the Impact of the 2021 E/M Changes
By now, it’s almost becoming cliched to talk about how crazy 2020 was. And yet, for those of us in healthcare, it would be difficult to overstate just how crazy last year was.
First, of course, there was (is) the pandemic. Then, many organizations transitioned their workforce to remote work environments. Then, as a result of everyone working from home, we then had to rapidly adopt telehealth services as a routine vehicle for providing healthcare services. And then finally, amid all that upheaval, for the first time in nearly 25 years we had to prepare for new evaluation and management guidelines that were being implemented.
It was all a lot for those of us already overwhelmed by our current workload. Now that the 2021 E/M Guidelines have been released, we thought we’d circle back and discuss what those changes mean, and provide clarity on the impacts they have on your organization. With that in mind, welcome to Part 1 of our new series, “2021 E/M Changes: The Impact Beyond Coding & Documentation.” In this first issue, we’ll help you navigate the confusion of these changes, by first focusing on:
- Why We Recommend Reviewing Your Codes Prior to Claim Submission
- How to Navigate Operational and Administrative Workflow Adjustments
- Why You Need to Prepare and Monitor Your EHR and RCM Systems