Auditing When There Are Conflicts of Interst [Webinar] | Healthicity

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Auditing When There Are Conflicts of Interest

Develop Strategies to Prevent and Manage Conflicts


Healthcare environments are prone to conflicts of interest because they’re a perfect example of a complex adaptive system (CAS). These systems are prone to error on a regular basis, but, lucky for us, they’re also capable of incredible innovation, if you create the right conditions.

Within healthcare, misunderstandings and conflicts usually involve several distinct parties and occur at multiple levels at the same time. It’s critical to define these potential conflicts, especially in relation to oversight in coding, billing, auditing, and compliance, so you can develop strategies for prevention and management.

Education is vital to effectively prevent and manage conflicts. Organizations are much less likely to have internal conflicts when they invest in the education and training of their employees.

Watch this on-demanbd webinar, Auditing When There Are Conflicts of Interest, to learn how to:

  • Identify Conflicts in E/M Services
  • Avoid Conflicts Between Medical Necessity and Medical Decision Making
  • Reduce Conflicts Between Your Organization and External Consultants

Watch the Webinar Now