Cramming for Your 2016 Meaningful Use Attestation [Webinar] | Healthicity

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Cramming for Your 2016 Meaningful Use Attestation

Start Your Preparations Now

There are many requirements for attesting to Meaningful Use in 2016, and if you’re anything like most of us, you’ve probably put it off until the end of the year. For most providers, they will be following Meaningful Use Modified Stage 2 requirements which includes 9 criteria for eligible hospitals (EH) and 10 requirements for eligible providers (EP). Modified Stage 2 eliminates the menu requirements and focuses the criteria on the most crucial areas.

The particularly vital areas have presented the most problems for EH’s and EP’s. These can lead to the denial of the payment of incentive funds for pre-payment audits or the return of funds in the case of post-payment audits.

Watch this free, on-demand webinar, Cramming for Your 2016 Meaningful Use Attestation, to learn how to:

  • Understand Which Documents Should be Assembled Prior to Attesting
  • Connect the Dots Between Meaningful Use and the Future of Medicare Payment System
  • Identify the Primary Criteria That Will Present Problems in Case of an Audit
  • Avoid Failing a Meaningful Use Audit

Watch the Webinar Now