Does Compliance Make You Happy? [Infographic] | Healthicity

Infographic: Does Compliance Make You Happy?

Measure Your Happiness at a Glance.

Compliance Conversations Podcast: An Attorney Talks Compliance

Gone are the days when compliance was less important than other departments in healthcare. Compliance is vital and with its importance comes great responsibility.

Compliance officers must adapt to the ever-changing rules and regulations. They’re charged with creating and maintaining an effective compliance program, checking, measuring, monitoring, it can all be a little overwhelming.

Are you happy? Depending on your organization’s circumstances you might be the happiest person in the world, celebrating a glorious job, or maybe you’re feeling a bit down, stressed or frustrated.

That’s why we’ve created a simple infographic to gauge your happiness. In less than one minute you’ll understand why you’ve been feeling so up or so down these days (and we’ll even give you tips on how to fix it).

Get the Survey Report Infographic now to:

  • Measure Your Happiness
  • See What’s Contributing to Your Mood
  • Have a Bit of Fun with Compliance

Get the Infographic Now