The Past, Present, and Future of Telehealth: Changes to the Revenue Cycle (Part 3 of a 4 Part Telehealth Series) [eBrief] | Healthicity

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The Past, Present, and Future of Telehealth: Changes to the Revenue Cycle (Part 3 of a 4 Part Telehealth Series)

Checking in is a crucial step of the revenue cycle.

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Telehealth is changing the healthcare landscape and has evolved dramatically in the past year and a half. It’s impacting workflow, policy, research, and revenue cycles.

For example, in your average out-patient setting for an in-person visit, someone greets the patient and validates current demographic information on file, makes sure the insurance information is accurate for billing, scans the new insurance card, and updates signatures on forms for compliance.

Checking in is a crucial step of the revenue cycle. How will this information be obtained in a telehealth setting without it being burdensome administratively?

Plenty of tools can be implemented to ensure a high-performing revenue cycle. The key is to focus on the areas of the revenue cycle that will be significantly affected by telehealth services.

Download our free eBrief, "The Past, Present, and Future of Telehealth: Changes to the Revenue Cycle (Part 3 of a 4 Part Telehealth Series)" by Jessica A. Whitney CPC, CPMA, to learn where you can focus your revenue cycle efforts, and what areas need adjusted workflows. This eBrief looks at some of the critical revenue cycle components and how telehealth services have affected them such as:

  • Updated Demographic Information and Current Signatures on Consent Forms
  • Accurate Coding for Telehealth Services
  • Tools to Adjust Revenue Cycle

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