Auditor Hacks: 5 Foolproof Ways to Stay Organized

As an auditor, you need to really focus on the task at hand. You’re detail-oriented and if you’re like me, you’ve got a lot to do. From making lists to staying organized, there are a number of ways you can beat distractions and be more productive. For example, by staying organized you can be a lot more efficient. We rounded up productivity techniques for auditors by auditors. These tried and true tips will keep you on track and feeling zen.

For more details on this topic, download the free eGuide, "5 Simple Hacks to Be a More Productive Auditor," for tried and true tricks on how you can increase productivity (and reduce stress).

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5 Ways to Stay Organized

I’m a big fan of organization and I think that it’s key to being a more productive auditor. Here are the five ways that I stay organized:

  • Declutter my space. Having a quiet and decluttered space helps me focus and feel relaxed. When everything has its place, I can work more efficiently.
  • Keep resources organized. On my computer, I save articles on coding/auditing guidelines in folders based on specialty/types of procedures/EM/Payer guidelines. Also, when I find a good reference online I always either bookmark or print a PDF if possible.
  • Take good notes. Taking good notes is essential to staying organized when coding/auditing. Time spent looking for information related to the audit is wasted time.
  • Prioritization is everything. When I prioritize my work it makes me a lot more productive. I find it easier to knock out the simple things so I can get my momentum going to tackle the bigger longer projects. Getting those small wins up front really motivates me to continue.
  • Move around. Wince I sit for long periods of time each day I will periodically get up and do a few stretches and deep breathing techniques. Helps stimulate my mind and keep it sharp so I can be as accurate as possible.

Get more helpful hacks that will help you dominate the rest of the year and beyond. Learn how to make detailed daily lists, organize your computer and space, prioritize projects for efficiency, stay focused and on task.

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