The Five Problem Areas In E/M Audits - Webinar

Every healthcare organization is faced with the challenge of improving their auditing efforts to meet compliance requirements. Arming yourself with the right information can vastly improve the way your organization approaches Evaluation & Management Audits (E/M) audits.

Each quarter of the fiscal year, regional Medicare Administrative Contracts perform Comprehensive Error Rate Testing audits. The results provide important insight into the overall state of E/M coding and billing around the country for Medicare Part B claims. 

A comprehensive understanding of these audit examples, as well as those conducted by AAPC, will enable providers to focus their audit efforts for enhanced compliance and reimbursement within their own organization.

Uncover common E/M auditing mistakes made within the areas of:

History: Chief complaint, history of present illness, chronic conditions, review of system, and language.

Examination:  Documentation, mixing, check boxes, and understanding.

Medical Decision Making (MDM): Severity and number presenting problems, time based codes, orders and diagnosis.

Coding and Data Entry: Modifier misuse, national correct coding initiative and local coverage determination edits, diagnosis coding, and chronic conditions.

General Documentation: Inconsistent documentation, abbreviations, counting elements, office procedures, misunderstandings of preventative services, authentication, timely.

 For more information, watch our on-demand webinar, "The Five Areas Of Common Errors In E/M Audits", for an in-depth look at common E/M auditing mistakes, how to avoid documentation errors for E/M audits, and learn what Medicare Administrative Contractors said around E/M audits for 2015:

Watch the Webinar On-Demand >>

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