Modifier 25 Cheatsheet: Free Download

Do you know when it’s appropriate to add a modifier 25? We’ve created a free infographic that provides a visual way to help you remember when it’s appropriate to add a modifier 25 and when it is not.

Download the Cheatsheet >

For example, it’s appropriate to add a modifier 25 when there’s an acute visit with complaint of a sign or symptom and the history and exam are done and the decision is made to perform a procedure at that time.

Hang this awesome Infographic up in your office for an easy reminder of the modifier 25 rules. It’s much easier than searching for your notes, covering your cubicle in post-its or scanning industry chat rooms.

Download the infographic, When to Add a Modifier 25 to the E/M, for a free roadmap of when it’s appropriate to add code modifier 25 including, “Oh by the way” complaints, different diagnoses for same day visits, follow-up visits with known complaint to the provider.

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