Laughter is good medicine. And I think we can all agree that after the past couple of years, we might need it more than ever. A little self-care can really go a long way so we’re here to bring you a chuckle and a few checklists that will help you conquer Q1 in the best of spirits.
Your favorite Theropod is back at it and in full effect for 2022. And for a limited-time-only, you can get all of last year's infamous Compliance Carl Cartoons in one, easy to download spot, totally for free.
We all love Compliance Carl and his dinosaur antics. He’s well-intentioned and friendly and utterly unaware of how intimidating he can be to the folks around him. We watched him dine alone in the cafe, surrounded by colleagues too nervous to call him over. We saw him get down at the Halloween party even if he still stuck out like a sore thumb, and we chuckled when he tried to enthusiastically hand out SWAG at a compliance event with his tiny arms that required folks to lean in uncomfortably close to his great big teeth.
Compliance Carl is all of us.
And while Carl is here to make us laugh, he also serves as a reminder that we, Compliance professionals, might seem a little intimidating. Still, we’re just regular folks, doing our job to keep everyone compliant. And without us, our organization, our jobs, and the ability to properly care for patients could be at stake.
Get all of your favorite Compliance Carl Cartoons (along with crucial compliance tips and lists) in this free bundle, “It’s Lonely Being a Compliance Officer with Compliance Carl - Best of 2021.” Print them out and give them to your coworkers, hang them up in your office, or casually leave them in the common areas for folks to peruse. In this bundle, you’ll get Carl Dines Alone, Self-Care Tips for Compliance Professionals, Carl Does Halloween, and more!

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