The Surprising Link Between Patient Outcomes and HIPAA

As a compliance professional, you might not think that you directly impact the quality of care of patients, but a new study suggests otherwise. You never know, but your HIPAA efforts just might save a few lives by allowing folks to trust the system enough to be candid with their healthcare team to get the help they need.

If patients don’t trust their doctors and hospitals to keep their protected health information (PHI) secure, they could lose trust in the quality of care provided by their doctors and hospitals, which could lead to poorer health outcomes. Likewise, if healthcare providers engender trust by keeping patients’ PHI secure, it could improve trust and enhance the quality of care.

For example, when it comes to something that a patient may perceive as embarrassing, like an STI, or mental health symptoms, they might be less likely to talk with their doctors if there is a risk of the information getting out.

In a study about patients’ trust in healthcare information technology, researchers found “that increased privacy concerns reduce the frequency of patient access to health records use, positive attitudes toward HIE (health information exchange), and perceptions of patient care quality.”  They found that trust in health information is positively associated with attitudes toward HIE and perceived patient care quality.

Many compliance professionals might feel removed from patient care and healthcare quality. But this study raises an interesting concept that might suggest our HIPAA compliance efforts could lead to more trust from our patients, leading to better care.

Join us in our upcoming free webinar, "How Compliance Directly Impacts Patient Care," where our expert compliance professional will discuss how trust could lead to better patient care, trust impacts willingness to be open with healthcare providers, your compliance program can increase patient trust.

Webinar Details Here >>

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