Can a Compliance Program Help Improve Patient Care?

It should be the mission of every healthcare organization to deliver high-quality care and outcomes to its patients. And it’s commonly assumed that our doctors, nurses, clinicians, and others on the front line, are the ones responsible for accomplishing that mission.

As compliance professionals, our mission is typically defined by our ability to ensure proper reimbursement, mitigate privacy and security risks, train employees, investigate issues of non compliance, implement corrective action plans, conduct exclusion screening processes, remove conflicts of interest, and build a culture of compliance across your organization, adn comply with new and evolving government regulations (among other things). Which, let’s be honest, is a lot of responsibility in-and-of itself.

But, as a compliance professional, have you ever considered how your own role can play a part in delivering high-quality care and outcomes to your patients? Or, how you and your team can support your organization’s lofty and admirable goal for its patients?

Whether you realize it or not, an effective compliance program can be the cornerstone of achieving these goals. However, exactly how you support that goal isn’t always a straight line.

But don’t let the lack of clarity and straightforwardness deter you. Instead, try asking yourself these questions:

“Is our training program geared toward improving the patient experience?”

“When we conduct an organization-wide risk assessment, do we look into any points of contact our providers have with our staff?”

“Do our codes of conduct reference our patients, and the delivery of care?”

If you’ve endeavored to build a culture of compliance within your organization, the likely answer to the above questions would be “yes.” If the answer is “no,” then it’s probably time to review your current business practices and identify areas for improvement.

Wherever your compliance program currently stands, we’ve gathered some data, reviewed case studies and gathered our own work experiences to help hammer home the importance of a compliance program in delivering the best patient care. And we’ve compiled it all in our upcoming webinar, “How Your Compliance Program Can Improve Patient Care and Outcomes,” which we’ll hold on Wednesday, July 28 at 1 PM ET, and show you:

  • How Effective Compliance Programs Can Help Improve Safety and Quality
  • Why Patient Safety and Quality Programs Can Influence Patient Outcomes
  • How Effective HIPAA Compliance Can Improve Patient Trust
  • What Tools Compliance Professionals Can Leverage to Improve Quality of Care

Webinar Details Here >>

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