Smart Strategies for Achieving Your Top Compliance Goals in 2020 [Webinar] | Healthicity

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Smart Strategies for Achieving Your Top Compliance Goals in 2020

Is Your Compliance Program Ready for 2020?

Watch the 'Smart Strategies for Achieving Your Top Compliance Goals in 2020' Webinar

As you start your compliance program planning for 2020 and beyond, are you feeling a sense of optimism? Or, or is it a sense of impending doom? Either way, would it help to know that both feelings are perfectly natural?

Learning from our past successes and failures allows us to channel those experiences into reaching new heights in 2020. Which is why compliance expert CJ Wolf recently sat down to learn from his own past wins and losses to see how he could improve his own efforts in the year ahead.

Maybe this year you need to get around to conducting your annual risk assessment, or developing your workplan from your risk assessment results, or finally start checking your employees against exclusion databases. Regardless of your goals for next year, we invite you to watch this on-demand webinar, Smart Strategies for Achieving Your Top Compliance Goals in 2020, where CJ will help put you in the right frame of mind for next year, so you can:

  • Learn Effective Strategies for Prioritizing Your Goals Based on Your Needs
  • Understand the Importance of Communicating Your Goals with Your Organization
  • Adhere to the New Regulatory and Corporate Compliance Requirements for 2020

Watch the Webinar Now