The Holiday Season and Common Compliance Issues: Belief Systems, Conflicts of Interest, and Good Intentions [eBrief] | Healthicity

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The Holiday Season and Common Compliance Issues: Belief Systems, Conflicts of Interest, and Good Intentions

Everything you need to know to prevent COIs in your organization.

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It’s that time of year! The time for family, friends, celebrating, awkward office parties, and having uncomfortable conflicts of interest (COI) conversations. I don’t know about all of you, but in my experience, conflicts of interest discussions seem to be more sensitive of a topic than other compliance topics. But it’s necessary, no matter how uneasy, because the holidays are a time for gift-giving, and even the best intentions can destroy integrity or bring down an entire organization.

When it comes to giving and receiving in the healthcare industry, it’s best to look to the experts before doing either. Laws that govern influence like Stark Law, and the Anti-kickback Statute, are there for a reason: to keep patients safe and to keep an organization and their physicians’ integrity intact because research shows that even the smallest token can sway even the most ethical person and that influence can be harmful.

"Preservation of trust is the essential purpose of policies about conflict of interest. Physicians have many important roles, including caring for individual patients, protecting the public’s health, engaging in research, reporting scientific and clinical discoveries, crafting professional guidelines, and advising policymakers and regulatory bodies. Success in all these functions depends on others—laypersons, professional peers, and policy leaders—believing and acting on the word of physicians. Therefore, the confidence of others in physician judgment is of paramount importance. When trust in physician judgment is impaired, the role of physicians is diminished.”
–Dr. Harvey V. Fineberg, MD, PhD

So what’s a person to do before sending a fruit basket or accepting a gift card to their favorite restaurant? How can compliance professionals minimize COI risks? Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered.

Download our free eBrief, “The Holiday Season and Common Compliance Issues: Belief Systems, Conflicts of Interest, and Good Intentions,” for everything you need to prevent COIs in your organization. During the holidays, the last thing you need is a knock on your office door from the Notorious OIG. In our eBrief you’ll learn how to:

  • Navigate Different Belief Systems
  • Avoid COIs When Gifting to Patients
  • Manage Gifting to Physicians and Hospitals
  • Protect Public Organizations From CIOs

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