Is the OIG Looking at Your E/M Services? [eBrief] | Healthicity

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Is the OIG Looking at Your E/M Services?

Audits reveal E/M services are often incorrectly coded.

Why an In-House Audit and Tools Matter.


The OIG is focusing on E/M services. Are you prepared? In 2010, Medicare paid $32.3 billion for E/M services. This represented almost 30% of Medicare Part B payments for that year. The OIG also discovered that in the same year, 42% of claims for E/M services were erroneously coded and a whopping 19% lacked documentation entirely.

It’s no surprise that the OIG has clamped down on E/M services. Audit results reveal that healthcare organizations would greatly benefit from a professional audit staff and tools to properly mitigate potential E/M audit problems and risks.

Download our free eBrief, Is The OIG Looking At Your E/M Services? And learn:

  • How the OIG Defines High-coding Physicians
  • OIG Recommendations for Your Organization
  • What Audits Reveal for Your Organization

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