An Auditor’s Simple Guide to Infusion Services

An infusion service is defined as the “administration of intravenous fluids and/or drugs over a period of time for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.”

I think you’ll all agree that Chemotherapy and other infusion services can be surprisingly daunting. When auditing for infusion services, not only do we need to code the CPT and ICD-10 correctly, but we also have to figure units for HCPCS drug codes and determine if E/M services provided on the same day are valid.

It’s a fairly long laundry list to complete in order to do our jobs accurately and effectively. One of the best ways to make sure we’re doing it all right is to stay up-to-date and informed. With so much to think about it’s easy to get overwhelmed.

Tune into our free upcoming webinar with audit expert Lori Cox, who will guide us through CPT Hydration codes, Therapeutic, Prophylactic and Diagnostic Injections and Infusions, and the Chemotherapy administration codes, for clinic-based (pro-fee) billing.

Get everything you’ll need to know to excel in Chemotherapy and Infusion services in one simple webinar.

This webinar will also include case examples to determine the difference between primary and secondary codes, a close look at HCPCS drug codes, ICD-10-cm guidelines for chemotherapy and infusion diagnostic codes, and tips on billing a separately identifiable e/m code on the same date as infusion services.

Webinar Details Here >>

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