The Misadventures of Ada: ICD-10 Cartoon, "Pecked by a Chicken" W61.33XA

Spring is in the air, the flowers are in bloom, and Ada took to her backyard to plant zucchini, cucumber, tomatoes, and plenty of other delicious veggies in her garden. She hoed, she raked, she labored under the sun, until she was interrupted by a little “ba-ba-ba-kawk” coming from the grape vines. “What the?” She asked herself.

Curious, Ada paused and shielded her eyes from the sun to peer into the distance. The sound was gone. But just as she thought about picking up her tomato cages, she heard it again, “ba-ba-ba-kawk!” A little hesitant, Ada slowly made her way to the back corner of her yard, near her white picket fence. As she got closer, the “ba-ba-ba-kawk,” grew louder.

As Ada arrived at the grape vines to investigate, a little feathered friend stepped out of the shadows. Ada laughed. “Oh! You’re one of the little chickens from next door,” she cooed. She bent down to pet the little hen, a little too eager and excited to notice the chicken’s intense, murderous scowl. Attack ensued, Ada screamed, and the rest is history.

“Hello, 911…?”

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