3 Medications Commonly Audited by the Targeted Probe and Educate Program

Unlock the hidden challenges behind CMS's Targeted Probe and Educate Program as we review reasons behind frequent audits on three specific medications, providing invaluable insights for medical coders and compliance professionals.

Download the eBrief - 3 Medications Commonly Audited by the Targeted Probe and Educate Program

Claim denials can feel a bit mysterious, which is why we’re diving into three medications commonly audited through the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Targeted Probe and Educate (TPE) program.

Our new eBrief, “3 Medications Commonly Audited by the Targeted Probe and Educate Program,” delves into the TPE audits on medications, shedding light on the three specific medications and the reasons behind claim denials.

Understanding these trends can be instrumental in preparing for audits within your organization. Reviewing the specifics outlined in the article can also help auditors and coders focus on addressing the most common errors.