Compliance News Roundup: Congressional Hearing

Welcome to our weekly Compliance News Roundup. We scour the headlines in search of breaking healthcare compliance news so you don’t have to.

1. Sales Representative Sentenced To One Year in Prison: “CAMDEN, N.J. – The owner of a marketing and sales company who admitted paying thousands of dollars in cash bribes to a New Jersey physician in return for patient referrals to his clients was sentenced today to 12 months and one day in prison, U.S. Attorney Paul J. Fishman announced.” Read more here:

2. Chiropractor Arrested For Taking Kickbacks - “A Union County chiropractor is the latest medical professional to be arrested for participating in a scheme that steered patients to radiology centers in exchange for bribes, Attorney General Christopher Porrino announced Wednesday.” Read more here:

3. Congressional Hearing Tells Us One Thing: You’re Going To Get Caught - “On September 28, 2016, the U.S. House Committee on Ways and Means, Subcommittee on Oversight, held hearings on healthcare fraud investigations. The hearings included testimony from an OIG Special Agent, a ZPIC Contractor and a U.S. Attorney. Each of these witnesses had a different perspective but the message was more or less the same: the government’s efforts for data analytics, investigations and enforcement in the healthcare industry is robust, sophisticated and coordinated among various agencies. Basically, they’ve gone full stealth ninja and if you do something sketchy, you’re going to get caught eventually.” Read more here: Deeper Than the Headlines: Congressional Hearing

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