Risk assessments have been a critical component of compliance programs for many years. Some people even refer to risk assessments as the “eighth element of a compliance program.”
The Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General (OIG) seems to agree, and their General Compliance Program Guidance (GCPG) shows why. In this document, the OIG added risk assessment to the title of the sixth element, calling it “Risk Assessment, Auditing, and Monitoring,” seemingly elevating the status of the risk assessment. Explaining this, the OIG stated, “…in recent years OIG, the compliance community, and other stakeholders have come to recognize and place increasing emphasis upon the importance of a formal compliance risk assessment process as part of the compliance program.”
Join us for our upcoming webinar, “OIG GCPG: Risk Assessment Overview,” where we’ll discuss:
- The importance of performing a risk assessment
- Key elements of a risk assessment
- Resources and tools available to assist individuals designing and performing a risk assessment
Live Date/Time: Wednesday, March 20, 2024 at 1 PM ET
Presenters: CJ Wolf, MD and Brian Burton, Healthicity Chief Compliance and Privacy Officer

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