Our Experts Explain 3 More ICD-10-CM Sections

Welcome to part three of our ICD-10-CM, Explained series.

We know how detail oriented you are. You strive for specificity, and that’s why we created this ongoing series, "ICD-10-CM, Explained." Like us, you probably spend a great deal of your time reading (and re-reading) guidelines and best practices to help ensure organizational compliance. After all, that’s part of the job description.

And it’s such a great job for people like us who love to learn, because as coders and auditors, we’re always learning interesting, fascinating, and challenging information and best practices. But, jeez, sometimes it can all be a little overwhelming. Especially when our work piles up so high it creates an imbalance between our professional and personal lives.

Which is why we created our “ICD-10-CM, Explained” series, where we aim to buy you a little extra time by quickly and clearly explaining the ICD-10-CM Coding Guidelines. In our previous bundle of ICD-10-CM Explained, we covered:

  • Section 1.C.5. Mental, Behavioral and Neurodevelopmental Disorders (F01-F99) by Nafheem Ameen
  • Section 1.C.4. Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases by Vikas Chawla
  • Section 1.C.2. Neoplasms by Vipin Bhardwaj

In this third bundle of our ICD-10-CM Explained series, our experts focused on a series of diseases, including:

  • Section 1.C.6. Diseases of the Nervous System by Vipin Bhardwaj
  • Section 1.C.7. Disease of the Eye and Adnexa by Vikas Chawla
  • Section 1.C.9. Diseases of Circulatory System by Nafheem Ameen

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We hope you enjoy it as much as the previous volumes. Be sure to keep an eye out for our next ICD-10-CM Explainer in the coming weeks. In the meantime, you can quickly and easily download the section here.

Be sure to download the rest of this series by using the following links:

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