Best Practices for Compliance Incident Reporting and Resolution

Reporting incidents of potential fraud should be on every compliance professional’s radar (because it’s definitely on the OIG’s).

Compliance professionals who try to manage the intake, triage, investigation, and closure of reported incidents know it is a delicate, yet important task.

Sign up for our upcoming webinar, “Reporting to Resolution: Best Practices for Compliance Incidents,” to discover:

    • Best practices for creating reporting channels
    • Principles of triage and priority setting
    • Documenting management of incidents from start to finish, including corrective action when necessary

Live Date/Time: Wednesday, November 29 at 1 PM ET

Presenters: CJ Wolf, MD and Remo Peshkepia, Healthicity Compliance Solutions Engineer

Our experts will help you discover proven strategies to establish effective reporting mechanisms, ensuring nothing goes unnoticed, and learn how to efficiently assess and prioritize reported incidents so the right attention is given to each case.

Webinar Details Here >>

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