How To Create The Ultimate 2017 Audit Work Plan

Developing an effective audit plan can be a daunting task. Despite this, some medical practices still choose to assign these crucial responsibilities to someone whose plate is already overflowing.

Organizations that jump into auditing without a defined plan might waste a lot of hard work, only to fail to move the organization forward. Luckily, there are a number of way to avoid unsustainable pitfalls that lead to a frustrated administration and fed-up providers.

As you develop your audit plan, it’s essential that everyone in your organization understands that the point of your audit plan is to measure where you are, prepare and implement any needed strategy and/or process changes to close any gaps in documentation/coding/billing practices that could put your practice at risk.

Compliance and ethics is a group effort supported by a company-wide culture of integrity. But monitoring and auditing is the heartbeat of compliance. It’s crucial to consider the possible risks that your practice faces and places where things could go awry. Monitoring includes spot checks, along with interviews to check in with staff to ensure that they are always following policy, reports from practice billing system CREDIT Balances, co-pay collection, write off aberrancies, etc.

Auditing is a systemic approach to independently examine a function, commonly associated with coding vs. medical record documentation. You can solve for a lot of issues at once if audits are properly conducted.

But of course, the most important thing, and the crucial first step, is to make a plan and follow it.

Tune in to our upcoming webinar, How To Create The Ultimate 2017 Audit Work Plan, to learn:

  • How to Begin and What to Prioritize
  • Risks to Avoid
  • The Most Effective Processes

Webinar Details Here >>

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