Welcome to the Official Healthicity Blog

Hello, and welcome to the launch of the official Healthicity blog. Did you know that on this same day, in 1964, Nicholas (Nic) Cage was born? So happy birthday, Nic.

We’re launching this blog to provide our clients, partners and friends with current events, musings and various thought-leadership posts. The topics we’ll cover include healthcare coding, healthcare compliance, auditing, training and data analytics. The goal here is to help simplify the many complicated topics and current events we face in healthcare every day.

We look forward to sharing our posts regularly, so be sure to subscribe to get the latest updates. In the meantime, throw in Raising Arizona and enjoy some good old Nic Cage.


Here's a quick roundup of some of our most popular posts to help you get started:

The Lonely Compliance Officer

7 Keys to Compliance

Healthcare Compliance Horror Stories

Tips For Avoiding Improver Use of 99211

How to Choose The Right Third-Party Auditor

Auditing When There Are Conflicts of Interest

The Misadventures of Ada: Terrible Beach Day

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