As a compliance officer, it’s important that you know the business you’re in. The business doesn’t exist for the compliance program, instead, the compliance program exists for the business. The more you know the business the better an asset you’ll be to the organization instead of just an obstacle in the way of objectives.
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Hi everyone, this is CJ Wolf, Healthicity’s Senior Compliance Executive. Today we’re talking about seven tips that every Compliance Officer should know, and tip number two is Know the Business. So Regardless of what organization you belong to, the organization doesn’t exist for a compliance program, the compliance program is there to help the business. So, it’s really important to know what business you’re in. For example; if you are a compliance officer for a hospital versus a DME company or a medical device company or a pharmaceutical company. Knowing what that businesses vision and mission is, is critical for you as a compliance officer, because most compliance departments, at least everyone I know, is a cost center. You don’t bring in any revenue. So, knowing where the organization receives its revenue, how the organization thrives as a business is a real asset as a compliance officer, so you’re seen as a member of the team that is trying to achieve an overall mission, and you’re not just seen as an obstacle to get in the way.
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