Find a Trusted Ear - Compliance 'Quick Tips' Videos (6 of 7)

Often, compliance officers are left alone in their own department to do their own things. It can become a little isolating. So, it’s always important to find a trusted person to talk with about compliance issues. Joining a professional society, or making friends at a conference, are just a couple of ways you can make friends who will understand your unique work challenges.

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Hi, I’m CJ Wolf, I’m Healthicity’s Senior Compliance Executive, and we’re talking about seven tips that every Compliance Officer should know. Tip number six is find a trusted ear to talk to. Compliance officers can sometimes feel a little lonely so to speak, or they are left to their own department, they might be seen as an obstacle, and sometimes there can be some isolation that goes with that, and though that is expected, it’s part of the job, it goes with the territory so to speak. It’s good though, to have, and to find, somebody with a good listening ear to bounce ideas off of. A lot of times that might be somebody from a professional society, somebody you met at a conference, it might be a trusted colleague in another department that is similar to yours, maybe legal, maybe internal audit. Finding somebody you can bounce ideas off of and can act as a sounding board as you’re working through certain issues and struggles, and also it helps if that person knows the culture of your organization. So, I recommend that you find a trusting ear to talk to within the organization, and if not, and sometimes in addition, you can find someone outside the organization that has experienced the same types of things.

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