The Misadventures of Ada: “Spacecraft Collision,” ICD-10 Cartoon V95.43XS

In this edition of the Misadventures of Ada, Ada takes a trip to space with her pal, Sully, in a space shuttle. Ever since she was a kid, Ada has been obsessed with the planets and stars. She was over the moon when she approached the shuttle and nearly fainted when Elon himself handed her a space suit.

5,4,3,2,1! They blasted into space and Ada couldn’t peel herself away from the window. The moon, the stars, oh my! She watched the earth get smaller as her excitement grew bigger. Then, a large shape came into view. Ada screamed, but it was too late. As per usual, disaster struck and Ada parachuted from the stars onto a stretcher.

ICD-10 Cartoon Code V95.43XS

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