1. Retina surgeon’s AMD regimen at center of Medicare fraud case: Earlier this month, a jury convicted West Palm Beach retina surgeon Solomon Melgen, MD, on 67 counts of Medicare fraud. This high-profile case hit very close to home, as myself and another retina specialist from my own community were on opposing sides of the case.
Michael J. Tolentino, MD, testified for the defense team. Meanwhile, I was asked to testify as an expert witness for the prosecution. Until recently, we were in practice together at The Center for Retina & Macular Disease, Winter Haven, FL. Dr. Tolentino is no longer with the practice. Neither of us accepted a fee for our testimony. (Editor's Note: Dr. Tolentino was not paid for his testimony, but was paid a "retainer fee" pre-trial.) Read the full article on Modern Retina.
2. Iliana Peters Shares an OCR Enforcement Update [Podcast] - HHS Office for Civil Rights Senior Advisor for HIPAA Compliance and Enforcement, Iliana Peters, joins Kortney at HCCA’s Compliance Institute to give our listeners an OCR Enforcement Update, including: Recent cases and settlements reflecting ongoing compliance and enforcement issues; The importance of enterprise-wide risk analysis and safeguards required by the Security Rule; And so much more! Listen the podcast on complianceandethics.org.
3. Deeper Than The Headlines: Compliance Lessons From the NYC Regional Compliance Conference - It’s always interesting to hear a doctor’s perspective on compliance, but it’s even more interesting when that doctor happens to be the OIG’s Chief Medical Officer. I had the pleasure of hearing her, Julie Taitsman, MD, JD, speak at the HCCA’s Regional Compliance Conference this May in New York City. I listened intently as she addressed some common compliance issues. It was truly inspirational and interesting. Get the full scoop on our blog.
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